Awesome Macaroni

Image result for macaroni for dinner

          Pasta is a food source of energy with carbohydrates as its main ingredient.The contained carbohydrate makes the paste easy to digest but it takes a long time to be absorbed by the intestine to make the feeling full longer.The content of vitamins and minerals from wheat flour (semolina) as a base ingredient for pasta and macaroni makers, is beneficial to health.Vitamin B complexes, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium, copper, etc. function in various organ functions such as digestive health, bone growth, immune system.

          Macaroni is also easy to prepare, it does not need much ingredients because the macaroni content itself is available. It is suitable to be eaten in the morning and evening because macaroni type of food that makes fullness lasting. Macaroni is easy to get at any nearby market without having to go all the way.

          Macaroni is one of the kind of foods that has proven to make people who are consuming it feel happy. Macaroni is also a kind of food that is a favorite of children. So if you want to be more smiling and feel happy like children.Macaroni with many advantages, among others, is not expensive, fast and practical, can be served in a special meal, no less than other dishes, easy to find wherever you are, and is a very familiar type of food among adults as well as children .

          Lastly, macaroni is delicious when we eat and it can accepted by all people because it not fat food or no healthy it contains vitamin in it. If you lazy to cook heavy food you just make a macaroni sambal and it easy to do. So no need to take unhealthy food in the day and night time.



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