Maggie bad for health

The recent Maggi noodles controversy has not only made the instant noodles go off the shelf in most homes, but has put other brands under the scanner too. A few loyal fans still continue to enjoy their steaming Cup O' Noodles, but the majority of people are beginning to get cautious.

Instant noodles is a food item that has always been under a lot of speculation. When I was a little girl, I was allowed to have it only on Sundays. Most instant noodles are made of refined flour which could cause indigestion. A common belief was that instant noodles could lead to bowel troubles and obesity.

Women who ate instant noodles twice a week or more had a higher risk of metabolic syndrome than those who ate less, or not at all, regardless of whether their diet style fell into the traditional or fast-food category, 

The study concluded that excessive instant noodle consumption can not only trigger obesity but also metabolic ailments like diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension, heart problems and so on.


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