about chicken

The chicken is a type of domesticated fowl or farm birds .It have been favourite for all children and teenager because it very delicious and many chicken fillets , also have chicken bones . Almost people like chicken fillets and it can make our stomach full. Children most like fried chicken , when they go eat anywhere they will eat a chicken, they never ask for chicken . But chickens cannot always eat because it can cause itchy for them who cannot eat chickens.

A male chicken is called a rooster or a cock(short for cockerel). A female chicken is called a hen. A young chicken is called a chick. Like other female birds, hens lay eggs which can hatch into chicks.
When raising chickens, a farmer needs to build a chicken coop (like a little house) for the chickens to roost (sleep) in. They also need a run or yard where they can exercise, take dust baths, eat, and drink. The chickens also need to be protected from predators such as foxes, which is often done with fences. 
Chickens can also be farmed intensively. This lets farms make a lot of chicken meat and eggs, but this is not as good for the chickens.


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